Sunday, 1 February 2015

Brother shops sister over reign of terror

Reign of terror: Siobhan Koralewski

"Police told the court Siobhan was "a Darth Vader-type character who created an atmosphere of intimidation and fear around her".

"Jeremy, 28, and Jennifer Price gave evidence at her trial."

"But Jeremy says there was no hint of the horror to come when his parents, Margaret, 67, and Raymond, 56, took over the seaside home in 2004."

"They thought it was a great opportunity," he says. "I quit Npower and worked as a chef and Siobhan had qualifications in care."

"The home housed 12 dementia patients and promised "specialist treatment".  But the treatment meted out by Siobhan was very different."

"Jeremy noticed a change in his sister’s behaviour a few years into the takeover."

"He says: "She used to call herself the "dementia champion" which I found a bit odd. She’d always had a temper but usually managed to keep it in control."

"Now, little things sent her over the edge, shouting at patients. We had rows about it but she never listened."

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