The following is the announcement of a conference to be held in regard to the safeguarding of elderly patients. Obviously when they say things like: "We must get it right," they know they have been getting it wrong. So much talk, conference after conference, and so little action.
Wednesday 12 March, Hallam Conference Centre,. London
"We must get care right for the most vulnerable group, who are often the most challenging to treat: frail older people. The challenge is to embed the experience of this group in hospital care – getting it right for them is our first benchmark."
Many of the instances of substandard care at Mid-Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust took place in medical wards caring for our most vulnerable patients: frail older people with complex comorbidities. Achieving "gold standard" care for this group must be the priority.
The Health Secretary has announced he is seeking views on a set of proposals to radically improve care for vulnerable older people. Safeguarding vulnerable older people is a key element within this improvement programme and is critical following the recent events at Mid Staffordshire and the recommendations from the Francis Inquiry.
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