Saturday, 21 December 2013

LCP to be phased out in Scotland

The BBC have reported that the Liverpool Care Pathway is to be phased out in Scotland:

The move followed recommendations from the Living and Dying Well National Advisory Group, which had been examining the issue in the wake of the Neuberger review of the LCP in England.

The advisory group concluded that, when used correctly, the LCP had supported good quality care in the last days and hours of life in Scotland.

However, it also recognised that the inappropriate use of the pathway may, on occasion, inhibit the provision of high quality care, and recommended that it be phased out in Scotland over the next 12 months.

A working group will now be established to support the changes required.

Health Secretary Alex Neil said: "While standards of end of life care in Scotland are generally very high, the aim of improving care in the last days and hours of life to ensure that everyone has a dignified death is a priority for the Scottish government and NHS Scotland.

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